
Two summers ago, Kids Kicking Cancer was honored by Mass General Cancer Center. The highlight was a beautiful mini-documentary on the Kids Kicking Cancer program. Featured in that video was 11-year-old Nakia, who demonstrated how we breathe in the light and blow out the darkness.

“It just taught me to be strong with what I’m going through, and it taught me to teach the world”, said Nakia. Her mom Candice added, “The more she came, the stronger she became. She’d just take her deep breaths and she’d just get her shot done, and be out before you know it.”

Ironically, the audio that covers her focused breathing techniques was Rabbi G.’s voice: “The greatest tragedy is not the death of a child. These children continue to illuminate the planet and that’s forever. To me, the greatest tragedy is to be with someone 90 years old who is dying, and they don’t have a clue why they lived.”

Several weeks later, Nakia relapsed. In November, 60 of Nakia’s family and friends gathered with us at our dojo where we meditated on the beauty of an 11 year old and promised to continue to spread her message to the rest of the world.

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