Sensei Liam is a 9-year veteran (joining in 2013) of Kids Kicking Cancer, currently serving as a Martial Arts Instructor and program coordinator in London Ontario, Canada. He holds a Black Belt in Karate but enjoys practicing many disciplines in the in the martial arts, starting with Judo at the age of 12. This year, Liam was inducted into the World Skydiving Hall of Fame for completing a 400-way Guinness book of world records skydive over Thailand. Sensei Liam is also a 35-year veteran of the Ontario Provincial Police, serving as a force instructor, teaching officers and recruits tactical breathing mirroring the techniques taught to children in the Heroes Circle.
Program Location
Canadian coordinator, London Ontario Canada
How many years have you worked with Kids Kicking Cancer?
9 years
How did you begin with martial arts?
I started Martial arts when I was 12 over weight being picked on at school. My art was Judo
in the early years. Lee Browning was my first Sensei.
What lessons have you learned over the years from practicing or teaching martial arts?
I have learned that martial arts is about taking control of emotions. As you acquire the martial arts
skills and tools, you then realize the mind is the most powerful martial arts tool.
What inspired you to join Kids Kicking Cancer as a martial arts instructor?
In 2010 my brother with 10 kids at the time died from his short battle with cancer, and I needed
a way to give back. I was helping with a bake sale for a young boy who had battled cancer and
won. The little boy Brandon asked me if I was going to join Kids Kicking Cancer as it is coming
to Sick Kids Hospital in London Ontario Canada. I signed up for the new program that week.
Now I’m the Coordinator for the program.
What do you love most about Kids Kicking Cancer’s mission?
Empowering our children – once you light the fire, the kids take it away and run with it. Every
time I enter a hospital room or teach a class I’m reminded how resilient these Powerful Martial
Artists can be. My bad day is turned into a good day each time I work with these kids.
Do you have a favorite KKC story or experience you would like to share?
There are so many power moments with Kids Kicking Cancer. I think of my personal story – this
just may be the reason my wife and I did not have kids – so I would have all the time I need to work
with these amazing kids. We don’t have kids, but now I have hundreds of kids and a second family.
What feedback have you gotten by people in the martial arts community about this aspect of the
martial art’s?
The community is amazed how we have taken the martial arts and modified it for all the kids in
pain we work with. When they apply, and then become a Black Belt therapeutic instructor, they really take their mind, body and spirit to the next level – especially their breathing. They tell me the Breath Brake is
the biggest tool they use now in their martial arts tool box.
What would your superpower be and why?
Wealth. Ok so it’s technically not a superpower, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t buy one right. If you
want to become a superhero, having lots of money is the great way to start – who needs
physical powers when I have all the money to help all these powerful martial artists all around
the world. To be able to write Rabbi G. the donation check to make all of his dreams come true would be
truly amazing. Now that’s Power Peace Purpose.