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How many years have you worked with Kids Kicking Cancer?
17 years
How did you begin with martial arts?
My brother managed a bank. The owner of the Taekwondo school across the street was a customer. He convinced my brother to sign up for classes and my dad said “take him with you”, pointing at me.
What lessons have you learned over the years from practicing or teaching martial arts?
Passion and perseverance are without peer in the road to success.
What inspired you to join Kids Kicking Cancer (KKC) as a martial arts instructor?
Being able to use whatever motivational skills I possess to improve lives.
What do you love most about Kids Kicking Cancer’s mission?
We make a difference in the lives of young people and families.
Do you have a favorite KKC story or experience you would like to share?
A young man relapsed. He was in the hospital, not doing well. I walked into the room and he perked up and smiled. I asked him, “Tony, why are you smiling?”. He said, “I knew you would be here”. I said, “how did you know?”. He said “because you are always here”.
You have your own late night talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?
Deceased: Nelson Mandela or Muhammad Ali.
Alive: President Jimmy Carter
What’s your favorite tradition or holiday?
I love the family atmosphere of Christmas.