S2E20: Carrying the Burden of Guilt When Chronically Ill- Part One 

Meet warrior, Kathleen (Kath) Nicholls. Kath is a published author, a freelance illustrator and award-winning blogger and advocate living in Scotland. At the age of 21, she began suffering with pain and having limited use of her legs followed by crippling stomach pain. She was later diagnosed with arthritis and Crohn’s Disease which subsequently required surgery. Kath now manages her conditions through a variety of treatments and medications and has felt the weight of carrying the feelings of guilt and of being a burden due to her chronic conditions. Tune in as Kath dives into these feelings and how she copes with them and her health challenges. To learn more about Kathleen Nicholls including her award-winning blog and books, go to her website at https://www.kathfantastic.com or you can purchase her books on Amazon at Go Your Crohn Way: A Gutsy Guide to Living with Crohn’s and My Flare Lady: a handbook for today’s (diseased) dame

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